Send money to xrptipbot with moneyd and ilp-spsp

I am trying to send money via live net using ILP.

The final goal is to use moneyd and ilp-spsp to deposit to the my ILP Pointer ($ for receipt of XrpTipBot.

We set up according to
and have confirmed that it works, but we have not successfully sent money.

Did you know how to succeed?
Should I build an ILP Connector myself?
Or is it still impossible?

The execution result of “DEBUG = * moneyd xrp: start” is as follows.

starting moneyd
2019-08-01T07:46:55.753Z connector:route-broadcaster info generated random routing secret.
2019-08-01T07:46:55.766Z connector:accounts info add account. accountId=parent
2019-08-01T07:46:55.770Z connector:accounts info add account. accountId=local
2019-08-01T07:46:55.845Z connector:admin-api info listen called
2019-08-01T07:46:55.849Z connector:rate-limit-middleware:trace debug created token bucket for account. accountId=parent refillPeriod=60000 refillCount=10000 capacity=10000
2019-08-01T07:46:55.850Z connector:balance-middleware info initializing balance for account. accountId=parent minimumBalance=-Infinity maximumBalance=20000000
2019-08-01T07:46:55.852Z connector:/home/ec2-user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.16.1/lib/node_modules/moneyd-uplink-xrp/node_modules/ilp-plugin-xrp-asym-client/index.js[parent]:trace debug registering data handler
2019-08-01T07:46:55.852Z connector:/home/ec2-user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.16.1/lib/node_modules/moneyd-uplink-xrp/node_modules/ilp-plugin-xrp-asym-client/index.js[parent]:trace debug registering money handler
2019-08-01T07:46:55.853Z connector:rate-limit-middleware:trace debug created token bucket for account. accountId=local refillPeriod=60000 refillCount=10000 capacity=10000
2019-08-01T07:46:55.853Z connector:balance-middleware info initializing balance for account. accountId=local minimumBalance=-Infinity maximumBalance=Infinity
2019-08-01T07:46:55.854Z connector:ilp-plugin-mini-accounts[local]:trace debug registering data handler
2019-08-01T07:46:55.855Z connector:ilp-plugin-mini-accounts[local]:trace debug registering money handler
2019-08-01T07:46:55.855Z connector:accounts:trace debug connecting to parent. accountId=parent
 ilp-ws-reconnect:debug websocket disconnected with Error: Unexpected server response: 404; reconnect in 0} +0ms
 ilp-ws-reconnect:debug websocket disconnected with Error: Unexpected server response: 404; reconnect in 100} +210ms
 ilp-ws-reconnect:debug websocket disconnected with Error: Unexpected server response: 404; reconnect in 500} +297ms
 ilp-ws-reconnect:debug websocket disconnected with Error: Unexpected server response: 404; reconnect in 1000} +692ms

and the contents of .moneyd.json is as follows.

 “version”: 1,
 “uplinks”: {
   “xrp”: {
     “relation”: “parent”,
     “plugin”: “/home/ec2-user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.16.1/lib/node_modules/moneyd-uplink-xrp/node_modules/ilp-plugin-xrp-asym-client/index.js”,
     “assetCode”: “XRP”,
     “assetScale”: 9,
     “balance”: {
       “minimum”: “-Infinity”,
       “maximum”: “20000000”,
       “settleThreshold”: “5000000”,
       “settleTo”: “10000000”
     “sendRoutes”: false,
     “receiveRoutes”: false,
     “options”: {
       “currencyScale”: 9,
       “server”: “btp+wss://xxxxx:”,
       “secret”: “sXXXXX”,
       “address”: “rXXXXX”,
       “xrpServer”: “wss://”

Thank you.

This is the same issue I’m running into. Idk what the answer is but I believe this implies you’re running into issues connecting to the BTP server. I suggest doing a few things:

  1. Make sure you have the most up to date xrp uplink installed: npm install -g moneyd-uplink-xrp
  2. Reconfigure moneyd
  3. Try starting again
  4. Maybe try configuring with a different btp server

Also still waiting for any guidance from an authority on this @austin_king

Issue for reference, probably in the wrong repo:

Hey guys,

I am not sure if there is an anonymous open BTP connection to the livenet right now.


Thank you for answering.
It seems difficult to connect easily.
I try to build a BTP host.


The issue seems to be that many of the infrastructure providers don’t accept anonymous BTP requests. I was able to get past this issue by connecting to phobosnode. Here are the steps I took:

  1. Make sure you have your secret
  2. Delete your .moneyd.json file. It’s most likely in your root directory. You can delete it like this: cd ~/ && rm .moneyd.json
  3. Configure moneyd: moneyd xrp:configure --advanced
  4. When asked to enter a BTP host, use You can use the defaults for everything else.

Packages I updated during this process: ilp-protocol-spsp ilp-plugin-xrp-asym-server ilp-plugin-xrp-paychan

You aren’t able to send to XRPTipBot payment pointers because those are currently being routed through strata’s connector. You can spin up a payment pointer using ilp-spsp-server and send to a payment pointer though.

UPDATE: I proposed an amendment to make phobosnode the default connector. It was approved and merged. You can resolve this issue by updating your uplink and reconfiguring moneyd. You can use the defaults after the update (no need for --advanced). npm install -g moneyd-uplink-xrp


Thank you for influential information
I can proceed with this work
and, thanks for integration with moneyd-uplink-xrp