We've moved to community.interledger.org

One space for our community to connect at community.interledger.org

We are excited to inform you that in 2023 we are seeing our community grow. We have more calls for proposals this year than ever and are seeing excellent traction with new innovative solutions for the open payments ecosystem.

We are always looking for ways to make connecting, starting new conversations, and sharing insights easier. To help keep conversations in one space so we can make the most of our connections, we are moving everything to community.interledger.org. Our community Forem will be our dedicated area for all community members, new and old, to find out about the latest updates, share their thoughts, and contribute to making our community stronger than ever before.

We value all the content and contributions that have already been made through our existing forum.interledger.org and will keep this as an archive for you to revisit. Moving forward, updates and opportunities will only be posted on community.interledger.org.

We look forward to seeing you there.