From documentation:
Payment channels are a way to use signed claims against funds held on a ledger
Are there any assumptions about the type of account(s) that would exist between a participant and a connector? For example: multisig?
Are there chances for cycles between connectors and are there any mechanisms in place to avoid them?
Is there documentation on the executionCondition? I’m trying to find what’s the actual cryptographic function that runs to fulfill the condition. Is it just a hash digest of the secret?
For the fulfill packet, how do connectors know the previous node to send the packet to?
At the risk of asking a naive question, is there a mechanism to ensure the connector credits a receiver when receiving a fulfillment package?
If connectors subtract X from the expiration date of the prepare packet, how do we know what’s the real expiration date? And do we need to know? By “we”, I mean connectors. IOW, on the way back, don’t connectors check for expiration? Are they checking the altered value, and against what? Unless it’s a function of the connector to increment the expiration in the fulfill.
From documentation:
If participants use payment channels, they may choose to sign an update to the payment channel to cover the value of each packet sent and thus minimize the amount the connector must trust the sender for
What is meant by “sign an update”? If this means issue a blockchain transaction, then it might not be realistic for any of the existing blockchains. If it means balancing a bilateral database account, how does it reduce trust required in the sender?
Can you point out wrong content in the following statements?
Connectors may have multiple types of payment channels. Each payment channel type comes with an input asset type and an output asset type, for example BTC => ETH. Connectors apply exchange rates per channel type. Payment channel may input and output the same asset type. Connectors may pay each other fees depending on connectivity (for example, the less connected pays the more connected) -
When looking at the full stack, we have SPSP talking to ILP, while Pre-Shared Key V2 can be used for secret management. Is there an adopted db for bidirectional balance tracking?