Community Call - August 10, 2022

Here are the notes and recordings from the ILP Community Call - 10 August 2022:

The Interledger community calls are open to the community and happen every second Wednesday of each month. Updates from: Interledger Foundation, Rafiki, Fynbos, Coil, & Open Payments teams

ILF Updates

– Building with the Interledger Protocol network
– Expanding the Web Monetization community and ecosystem
– Broadening Financial Inclusion with technology and advocacy
– Growing open payments, micro-transactions, and mobile money
– Designing for Interoperability

Coil updates

  • Try out the WM extension - reach Uchi from Coil for any questions.
  • Uchi from Coil is going to be at DefCon - how Web Monetization is used to pay in a privacy-preserving way for content creators
  • Apex Developer Summit - Coil & Interledger Talks

Rafiki Updates

  • Progress on auth server, folks at coil getting ready to physically bring together the distributed team to come together - Fynbos ILF to work together - hoping to achieve the following goals:
    • Rafiki featured engraved for Fynbos
    • Key directory - where clients using open payments - identify/register themselves with a trusted source
    • Locally runnable Rafiki Demo - which can be set up by any developer and shown in vsli to be demoed by anyone interested in spreading
    • Document open payment APIs
  • Rafiki weekly Community Call and Github details

Have questions or need help? Join us on Slack here.

Recordings are available on:

Here is a link to the Agenda and Call details for the upcoming ILP Community Call on 14 September 2022.