Anypay Protocol

We are looking to design a protocol to use payment pointers that identify unique invoices.

This protocol will be similar to Simple Payment Setup Protocol, and must be able to be communicated from out invoicing app to Interledger-enabled wallets.

Whereas SPSP uses the concept of an account to communicate payment details, our protocol must communicate a specific amount of a specific currency paid to a specific identifier.

The service serving the protocol maintains many unique invoices thus the protocol must be able to support a number of unique payment destinations.

Additionally each invoice may be payable with a number of different assets, so the protocol may require specification of multiple settlement assets.

We perceive limitations with SPSP and are looking to extend it’s basic functionality to support these requirements.

Have you guys looked at how lightning does invoices? Would probably start you on the right track for an RFC!

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Separate the “invoice” from the “how to pay”. Payment Pointers are great for directing someone to a service that can give them an ILP Address and secret so they are able to open a STREAM connection.

Overloading this with business logic like invoices might not be a good idea in the long term.

So when a client resolves a payment pointer, the response headers should contain:
ILP-Address: <some ILP address>
ILP-Secret: <some base64 encoded secret>

The body of the response could be anything (or nothing).

Option 1

Your server (e.g. can simply host invoices using good ol’ REST.
e.g. You could have a pointer like this: $

The actual invoice that is returned when you GET can be whatever you like. You could find a standard eInvoice format (there are many or invent your own, as long as your customers know how to interpret it so they know how much to pay you.

I don’t think the ILP community is a good place to design an invoice standard.

How you choose to correlate the STREAM connection details that to the invoice is up to you. A common approach which saves you from needing to store the correlation somewhere is to simply put the invoice id in the ILP address and derive the secret using the address or invoice id.

When your STREAM server receives an incoming connection it can correlate it with the invoice based on the address on the incoming packets. (You don’t even HAVE to do this in real time, you could just accept as much money as the sender is prepared to send and then reconcile your payments with your invoices later like most businesses do.)

Option 2

Only provide the STREAM connection details in the Payment Pointer response.

After the client has established the STREAM connection they use the data channel on that connection to get the details of outstanding invoices, request to pay one or more of these or even submit an invoice to the server for payment (pull payments).

If we define a simple REST API for creating payment requests (more general than just invoices) and payments then this could be executed over the STREAM data connection.

Examples of possible API endpoints might be:

/payment - create a new payment and then “pay” it using the money channel on the same stream
/paymentRequest - create a request for payment with the counter-party who, after accepting the request, pays it via the money channel on the same stream

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I don’t think the ILP community is a good place to design an invoice standard.

Agreed, I think it’s outside of the scope of ILP to design a new invoice standard, however implementing support for one is better suited for “Applications and Use Cases,” since this is a suitable extension to SPSP and layers above (applications on top of STREAM, or even above SPSP).

Good call on the above proposal, I sometimes forget end-to-end arguments.

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Agreed this should go under Applications and Use Cases.

I don’t think the ILP community is a good place to design an invoice standard.

If we agree on that, the SPSP spec (or a new one just dealing with push payments) should make it more clear that the body parameters related to invoices (balance, receiver_info, etc.) are not just optional but exemplary.

@stevenzeiler: There is already a first PoC implementation of an invoice SPSP server.

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SPSP should not standardize specific field names other than what is required for establishing a STREAM connection. Every optional field like that should be moved into a separate spec that is targeted at a specific use case. The SPSP spec should also give general guidelines for how such specs should define their fields, perhaps establish a central registry for field names, etc.


@justmoon I created another topic to discuss that: Push Payments and Invoices